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So, What Is Mold, Exactly?

Dry Master Restorations

By definition, mold is a “fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae, occurring typically in moist warm conditions, especially on food or other organic matter.”

Mold is omnipresent, meaning it is found everywhere in the air around us, both indoors and outside. It can enter your home through open doors and windows, air conditioning systems, or by attaching to clothing, shoes or pets.

white mold on plywood
Attic Mold

But what it needs to grow and thrive is moisture.

Moisture occurs for several reasons: high humidity, poor insulation, lack of air flow and condensation due to temperature differences on the same surface. Your home contains a host of food sources, such as:

  • paper products

  • cardboard

  • ceiling tiles

  • wood products

  • dust

  • paints

  • wallpaper

  • insulation

  • drywall

  • carpet, fabric, and upholstery

If these surfaces remain moist or wet for any extended period of time, mold will start to grow. Typical trouble spots are kitchens and bathrooms, or any place where plumbing can cause a leak and steam from showers or cooking can cover walls and ceilings, doors and windows where poor insulation can cause condensation, basements and attics where poor air circulation can keep moisture from evaporating.

Once mold has moisture and a food source, it only takes as little as 48 hours for mold to take hold and begin to grow and spread. Because your home most likely has all the materials mold likes to “eat,” that could mean a large problem if not taken care of immediately.

Staying vigilant and keeping your home clean and dry, and running a dehumidifier in rooms with little ventilation can help keep mold from growing. However, if you do see or suspect mold, it is best to hire a company like Dry Master Restorations that specializes in mold remediation. We have certified technicians and specialized equipment to treat mold and deter it from returning.

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